Française Le 25 Octobre 01
porter [1] I vtr 1 to carry; 2 ~ qch quelque part to take sth somewhere; ~ qch à qn to take sb sth; 3 [wall, chair] to carry, to bear [weight]; 4 to wear [dress, contact lenses];
alliance nf 1 wedding ring; 2 alliance.
bague nf 1 ring; 2 (around pipe) collar.
fiançailles /fee an sigh/ nf pl enagagement.
ma bague de fiançailles
poitrine nf 1 chest; tour de ~ chest size; 2 breasts; tour de ~ bust size # ~ fumée smoked streaky bacon.
lourd , ~e I adj 1 [person, object, metal] heavy; 2 [stomach, head, steps] heavy; [gesture] clumsy; II adv 1 peser ~ to weigh heavy; 2 (of weather) il fait ~ it's close;
short nm shorts
terme I nm 1 term, word; 2 end; accoucher avant ~ to give birth prematurely;
à terme - at the time of birth
portée I adj f > porté II nf 1 range; 2 c'est à la ~ de n'importe qui anybody can do it; anybody can understand it; 3 impact; 4 (of kittens) litter;
la portée de la chat/chienne
pilule nf pill
fecond, ~e adj 1fertile; 2 fruitful.
chaton nm 1 kitten; 2 catkin
slip nm 1 underpants; 2 slipway
briller [1] vi 1 [sun] to shine; [flame] to burn brightly; [gem] to sparkle; [nose] to be shiny; 2 ~ de [eyes] to blaze with [anger]; 3 [person] to shine; elle brille par son esprit she's extremely witty.
brillant, ~e I adj 1 bright; shiny; glistening; 2 brilliant. II nm (cut) diamond, brilliant
terne adj [hair, life] dull; [color] drab; [eyes, expression] lifeless.
diamant nm diamond
Toussaint /too sah/ nf la ~ All Saints Day, est le 1ier Novembre
veille nf 1 la ~ the day before; la ~ au soir the night before; à la ~ de on the eve of; la veille de la toussaint the day before Nov. 1 i.e. Halloween 2 être en état de ~ to be awake; 3 vigil
déquisement nm costume
citrouille nf pumpkin
noix nf inv 1 walnut; 2 knob of butter; # ~ de cajou cashew; ~ de coco coconut; ~ (de) muscade nutmeg; ~ de pecan pecan
tourte nf pie la tart/tourte a la citrouille; la tart/tourte aux noix de pecan
tarte nf 1 (Culin) tart; 2 wallopº IDIOMS c'est pas de la tarte ~º it's no picnicº