Française Le 1 Novebre 01
gorge nf 1 throat; avoir mal à la ~ to have a sore throat; 2 bosom, breast; 3 gorge
signe nm sign; un mauvais sign a bad/evil sign.
clos, ~e adj [system] closed [area] enclosed;
huis nm inv à ~ clos (Law) in camera; (figurtive) behind closed doors "Huis Clos (No Exit)" le livre célèlbre au Jean Paul Sartre
blesser [1] I vtr 1 to injure, to hurt, to wound il a été blessé à la tête he sustained head injuries; 2 to hurt [person, feelings]; to wound [pride].
belle-mére, pl belles-méres nf 1 mother-in-law; 2 stepmother.
habiter [1] vtr I to live in. II vi to live.
compain, copine I adj pally° (GB) chummy° II nm,f 1 friend; 2 boyfriend/girlfriend.
brise nf breeze
ville nf 1 town; city; 2 town or city council
vignoble nm vineyard
donner [1] I vtr 1 to give [present, headache, advice, dinner, lesson]; 2 to show [film]; to put on [play]; to give [performance]; 3 to produce, to yield [fruit, juice]; to produce [results]; 4 to show [signs]; 5° to inform on [accomplice]. II vi 1 le porier va bien ~ cette année the pear tree will yeild a good crop this year; 2 ne plus savoir où ~ de la tête (figurtive) not to know which way to turn; 3 ~ sur [room, window] to overlook; [door] to give onto; ~ au nord to face north; la cuisine donne dans le salon the kitchen leads into the living-room; 4 ~ dans to tend toward(s); 5 ~ de sa personne to give of oneself. III se donner v refl (+ v être) 1 se ~ à to devote oneself to; 2 se ~ le temps de faire to give oneself time to do; 3 se ~ pour but de faire to make it one's aim to do; 4 se ~ de grands airs to put on airs; 5 se ~ des coups to exchange blows; se ~ les mot to pass the word on.